Today our hike took place at the Van Buskirk Farm Preserve in the Pocono Mountains. We parked at the trailhead on the east side of Cranberry Creek and headed out onto the trail. Immediately, we were transported into an ethereal world of towering hemlocks, a roaring creek and huge boulders carpeted in thick green moss. It was beautiful here. And only a few steps away from the road. I wondered how many people drive by this place every day and don’t even notice the inconspicuous trail and the beauty that lies just beyond. We took time to explore the area and capture the morning sunlight that shone through the pines and sparkled on the clear waters of the creek. We crossed over a primitive wooden bridge to the other side where we found large trees taller than a building toppled over from a powerful windstorm. I can’t even imagine the force it must have taken to uproot them. Next we continued along the trail which paralleled the creek crossing over patches of mud, rocks and small streams flowing down from the mountain. The trail then turned west and made an ascent towards more downed trees that we had to to navigate around. As the trail leveled out we were treated to a path of soft pine needles that always feel so good on your feet after traversing rocky terrain. We passed through the middle of an old stone wall, left from days gone by. As we hiked along the wind whispered through the trees and gently moved cumulus clouds across the sky like soft puffs of white cotton. We made our way through more patches of mud and wet leaves before the trail became a pleasant mossy path passing through rows of young white pine. Soon we found ourselves at an open meadow and before us stood the ruins of an early 20th century farm. We observed some old farm equipment and the remnants of a stone structure. Below the ruins was an open field which I imagined may once have been an orchard abundant with fruit trees. After exploring the farm, we continued on our way. Next, the trail led us to an open area at the foot of a rock quarry surrounded by vernal pools. A chorus of wood frogs filled our ears. These pools must have been loaded with them. We made our way up to the top of the quarry where twisted pitch pines grew out from its rocky ledges. We took in the view and enjoyed the mountain breeze before heading back down to the trail. Soon we were back at the beginning of the loop that would take us back the way we came along the creek. By this time it was early afternoon and with the beautiful weather, we decided to sit aside the creek and enjoy a snack before heading back home.
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