I was lucky to get this photo of an Eastern Wood-Pewee sitting on a small branch this morning as I walked around Mariton Wildlfe Sanctuary. They’re very easily recognized by their song which sounds like, “PeeeWeee”. You can read more about the Eastern Wood-Pewee by clicking on this link.
Morning Bird Walk at Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary, April 28, 2024
Today I went back to Mariton with the hopes of getting a photo of one of the many Piliated Woodpeckers I’ve been seeing around the preserve. A few weeks ago I got some really great video with my phone, but I wanted a proper photograph with a better camera. I could hear them drumming up high in the trees, and two of them flew across the open power line cutaway that divides the forest. Unfortunately, I was not able to get my photo. It will happen one of these days. The Ovenbirds are back. A sure sign of warmer weather. I could hear their distinctive calls echoing through the trees. As I hiked in deeper on the North Fox Trail I heard my first Wood Thrush of the season. Literally music to my ears. There is something about the Wood Thrush’s song that truly enchants me. I just find it so beautiful and extremely relaxing. I sat down on a large boulder along the trail and just listened. A beautiful, natural symphony of birdsong. What a great day!