This morning I went back to Mariton Wildlife Sanctuary. This time I left a bit later after sunrise so I’d have a better chance of catching a glimpse of the Clearwing Hummingbird Moths. I had read they were pretty active this time of year when the Wild Bergamot is blooming. I took a look at the map and headed towards the open meadow (an obvious place to look). When I arrived at the break in the woods it was like stepping into another world. Wild Bergamot, Woodland Sunflowers and pollinator flowers abound! The meadow was alive with the fluttering wings and buzzing of bees and other pollinators. It was absolute heaven! I observed many butterflies from Monarchs to Silver Spotted Skippers to Swallowtails. There were all kinds of bees and of course, the Clearwing Hummingbird Moths. I spent a lot of time here just watching and observing the busy meadow. In between I did my best to capture some photos of all the action. I lost track of time and really didn’t want to leave, but I knew I needed to carry on and continue with my morning trek. I met up with my husband who had been patiently waiting for me sitting on a tree stump at the edge of the woods. We continued our journey which took us on pathways that lead up and down Bougher Hill. I was really surprised with the steepness of the hill. The humidity was high and I had worked up a sweat that was well worth the effort. It was a fantastic morning and experiencing that lively meadow was a wonderful gift of nature.