Thomas Darling Preserve, July 30, 2023

It had been a long time since we visited Thomas Darling Preserve. The first time was back in January of 2021 and again earlier this year also in January. We’d never see the preserve any other time besides winter. Thomas Darling Preserve is part of the Wildlands Conservancy Land Trust and was named after conservationist, Thomas Darling Jr. The area has one of Pennsylvania’s largest spruce forests and is made up of 2,500 acres with glacial wetlands, meadows, bogs, and forest. Two Mile Run traverses the preserve before spilling into Tobyhanna Creek. The hike around the preserve is a short 2.5 mile loop, but it really packs in the scenery. Today the forest was filled with so many different kinds of mushrooms. Luckily the day wasn’t super humid, so the bugs were pretty minimal. My favorite part of this hike is the boardwalk which takes you right through the wetlands. It’s a place you’d never see otherwise and having the privilege of walking through this unique ecosystem is simply magical.

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