Worlds End State Park, Loyalsock State Forest, 2 Miles RT, 314' +/-, May 19, 2024

My first camping trip in Pennsylvania was restful.  Albeit, a lot more damp than I’m used to feeling, but overall I slept fairly decent and woke up to the wonderful sound of the dawn chorus.  It was about 5:30 am and I lay in my sleeping bag listening to Wood Thrush, Ovenbird, Red-eyed Viero, various Warblers, American Redstart, and others.  We didn’t stay in the tent too long before putting on our boots and heading to the trailhead for Double Run Nature Trail.  The loop is short, just about a mile and a half.  The forest was peaceful at 6:30 in the morning, but the trail was wet and slippery.  With so much rain and dew, this is a common trend in Pennsylvania and you have to watch your step.  This short hike packed in a lot of scenery with beautiful cascades and waterfalls as it followed along the West Branch of Double Run.  There are also other trails to take from this loop to make a longer hike if you choose.  The trail had some steep sections as it made its way around the loop and crossed over several bridges.  It was a nice walk before spending the rest of the morning relaxing with coffee and enjoying breakfast at the campground. 

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