This was more of a walk then a hike. It was cold today. Even a little too cold for me, and I love winter. But we still wanted to get outside. This hike to Dingmans Falls is more of a walk then I hike. You’re walking a flat boardwalk the whole way - except for the road to the trailhead which is now closed so you have to walk the road to get to the start of the trail. Silverthread is the first waterfall you see on this hike. It was completely frozen over and we saw some ice climbers making their way up it. Then we walked over to see Dingmans falls. This waterfall is the 2nd largest in Pennsylvania at 130 feet. The tallest in Pennsylvania, also in the DWG, is Raymonskill which is 178 feet tall. Dingmans wasn’t totally frozen yet, so no climbers on it. We took some photos and then made our way back. Felt good to get out, but today wasn’t the day to spend too much time on the trail. Really enjoyed this little sight seeing excursion and it was a treat to get to see these frozen waterfalls
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