Lehigh Gorge State Park, Bald Mountain Loop, 9.8 Miles RT, December 29, 2020

Today we spent the day exploring the Bald Mountain tract of Lehigh Gorge State Park near Rockport. Bald Mountain looked interesting to me because the access point isn’t located near any of the popular areas of the park. We found the turn off to the trailhead which wasn’t signed and if you blinked, you’d miss it. We parked the car and right away I heard the clack, clack, clack of the ravens above. I knew it was going to be a good hike. I have such a soft spot for these birds. They remind me of my hikes in California because they were always around when I was hiking in the higher elevations. We began the trek near Indian Run and crossed over the bridge which lead us into a beautiful forest of pitch pine and hemlock. The wide trail headed east with a steady incline up to the top of Penn Haven Mountain with the Lehigh River flanking us to the north, east and south. There was a junction here and signage for the Bald Mountain Loop. We followed the trail northeast in a clockwise direction being careful not to slip on the ice that was hidden under a thin layer of snow. It was about 30 degrees with about a 12 mph wind which made it seem much colder then it was. The loop dropped us down in elevation and eventually gave us a nice climb back up. It was a beautiful section of trail, although there was a lot of water we had to navigate around in addition to the ice. Once back at the top we found signage for the Vista Trail. The trail narrowed and lead us out to the rocky south facing cliff side of Bald Mountain. Here we had nice view down into the deep gorge and across to Scrub Mountain. We sat for a bit in the sun to warm up, but even in the sun it was still quite chilly. As we made our way back, the winds continued and we kept moving. The afternoon sunlight coming through the trees was absolutely gorgeous! I really enjoyed this hike. It was such a beautiful day despite the wind and I will definitely be back to explore more of this beautiful area.