Descanso Gardens, March 26, 2017

Springtime is always such a magical time of year.  There is an explosion of blooming flowers, the trees are heavy with blossoms and everywhere you look it’s a kaleidoscope of color.  Mother earth has awakened!  We’re now moving into a time when the sun begins to dominate the long, dark days of winter, and there is a promise of light.  The warm summer days are soon to come.

Even if you are not a believer in magic, it’s almost impossible not to feel the enchantment of this extraordinary time.  Walking through nature, your senses are overwhelmed by everything from birdsong, to soft wind through the oaks, to the fast flutter of hummingbird wings and the smell of fresh flowers and morning dew.  One cannot help but be bewitched by this marvelous time of  year.

Beautiful pink and yellow tulips.  A perfect representation of Ostara.

Beautiful pink and yellow tulips.  A perfect representation of Ostara.

Hummingbird in the wildflowers

Hummingbird in the wildflowers

A beautiful oak in this magical meadow

A beautiful oak in this magical meadow

I spotted the green man looking out from behind an oak tree.  Do you see him?

I spotted the green man looking out from behind an oak tree.  Do you see him?

The great oak

The great oak

Sometimes I am lucky enough to catch a fairy orb.  This one was spotted in the magical meadow that is just starting to bloom with wildflowers.

Sometimes I am lucky enough to catch a fairy orb.  This one was spotted in the magical meadow that is just starting to bloom with wildflowers.