I arrived just after 8 am Saturday morning at Descanso. I was going to walk to the promenade and into the rose garden since I hadn’t been there in a while, but changed my mind and decided to walk the grassy meadow at the edge of the oaks instead. I’m glad I changed my path. I wasn’t there longer then 5 minutes and saw a California Sister warming its wings in the morning sun. It was a lot warmer then usual this morning and that made it a great time to be able to see some butterflies! Most of the time I’m in and out before it warms up, and the butterflies are just waking up as I’m leaving. Today was an exception. After spending time watching the California Sister, I headed along my usual path up the hill and into the California natives section. Along the trail I noticed some silk on thistle. I recently learned that the Painted Lady caterpillar spins silk, so when I stopped to observe, sure enough there was a caterpillar inside. It’s so exciting now that I’m learning more about butterflies, caterpillars and their natural habitats what I’m able spot. Before taking an interest in all of this I would have probably walked right by not even noticing. It was a beautiful sight to see that caterpillar munching away inside the silk backlit by the morning sunshine! As I continued along my journey I stopped by Cleveland Sage to observe Duskywings. I didn’t get a photo, as they weren’t still for very long so I just enjoyed watching. A few feet away I saw a very tattered Cabbage White. I think this was a male, as it appeared to only have one spot. Next, I walked down the hill and stopped for a moment by a red fairy duster that I’d walked past a million times never really giving it much attention. But after learning what a butterfly magnet this plant is and also picking one up for my own garden from the Theodore Payne Foundation for Wild Flowers and Native Plants, I decided to stop and see what I could observe. The red fairy duster was full of bees and tiny Marine Blue butterflies about the size of my thumbnail. There was a lot of activity going on here. I managed to get a few shots of the little Marine Blues when they were busy nectaring. By this time it was about 9:30 am and more people were starting to arrive, so I decided it was time to head out. Nature never ceases to amaze me with how much there is to constantly see and learn about her. No matter how many times I visit Descanso, no two days are ever the same. There is always something new to see, to learn and to observe. Nature is constantly changing. It was a wonderful morning.
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