
In the spirit of Lughnasadh, Descanso Gardens, July 29, 2017

In the spirit of Lughnasadh, Descanso Gardens, July 29, 2017

As the wheel continues to turn, August 1st marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox.  At this time of year, my home garden is full of blooming flowers and an abundance of butterflies.  It’s a beautiful time of year and I’ve been blessed by the nature spirits with a modest, but healthy wildlife habitat for hummingbirds, butterflies and other critters who have been enjoying the garden.  With Lughnasadh only a few days away, I paid a visit to my favorite magical garden, Descanso.  I walked down the promenade and made a quick pass through the rose garden.  But I spent most of my time in my favorite section, the native plant the garden.  Here is where you can best appreciate the warm tones of summer with the buckwheats starting to brown and the intoxicating fragrance of sage.  I also found many spider webs nestled in the trees.  It is this time of year when I usually begin to see more intricate webbing in the oaks.  They know the days are slowly beginning to shorten, and although it is still hot, the summer will soon be coming to a close.

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Welcoming Summer, Descanso Gardens, June 24, 2017

Welcoming Summer, Descanso Gardens, June 24, 2017

We've now reached the peak of the solar year.  The wheel is turning and the days, although warmed by the power of the sun will gradually become shorter as it begins to wane.  For those in tune with nature, we hear her whispering her promise to return to darker days.  But there is plenty to celebrate at this time.  The natural world is full of activity.  Butterflies and bees grace our blooming gardens and the earth changes her colors to shades of golden yellow, bright orange and soft, sable brown.  Summer is in full swing and there is much time to be spent outdoors enjoying the warmth of the sun by day and gazing at the endless stars in the night sky.

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