Sunday was another beautiful day for a snow hike. Although it was a little warmer than the last snow hike we did a few weeks ago, there was still plenty of snow to turn the forest into a magical winter wonderland. We packed our winter gear and headed up to Waterman mountain. We know this mountain pretty well by now, and I feel safe here. The trail is easily graded and there aren’t many narrow sections. There’s also an option to hike up a fire road if you so choose. We took the Waterman Trail from Buckhorn just off Angeles Crest Highway. The day started off with blue skies and few clouds, but by the time we finished more clouds were rolling in. There was a lot of water flowing from the rains we just had which formed beautiful icicles. The pines were heavy with pure white snow which made me feel like we were walking through a scene from a winter fairy tale. As last time, this trail was so quiet and peaceful. We took our time making our way up to the summit and enjoyed the picturesque forest. I'm not sure if we’ll get to experience this again this year since it’s just about Spring, but it really was wonderful and I can’t possibly think of a better way to spend a Sunday.
Starting out on the Waterman Trail.
Lots of water flowing down the mountain from the rain.
Plenty of icicles.
Pines heavy with snow.
Views into the San Gabriel Wilderness.
My husband making his way up.
The junction to the summit. No trail was cut to Twin Peaks.
Just when you think it can't possibly get any prettier, it does.
On the summit.
Now heading back down.
My husband enjoying the snow.
You can see from the trees that a lot of the snow was starting to melt. The temps really warmed up as the day went on.
Just about back at the trail head. We made a mini-snowman.