Pinelands National Reserve

Pinelands National Reserve, Franklin Parker Preserve, 5.74 Miles RT, 79' +/-, March 1, 2025

Pinelands National Reserve, Franklin Parker Preserve, 5.74 Miles RT, 79' +/-, March 1, 2025

Today, we visited a very special place, the Pinelands National Reserve in New Jersey. The Pine Barrens have been on my bucklist to hike and today was the day. Weather conditions were sunny in the low 60s and perfect for hiking.

The Pinelands, also known as the Pine Barrens, is the largest surviving forest on the eastern seaboard between Maine’s North Woods and the Florida Everglades. The biodiversity here is remarkable! It is truly a unique and special place.

The ecosystem consists of acidic, low-nutrient water and soil, which support a wide variety of plant and wildlife species that have adapted to these conditions. The Pinelands provide critical habitat for over 50 rare, threatened, or endangered species. Here, you can find bald eagles, northern pine snakes, pine barrens tree frogs, and rare plants such as the pine barrens gentian and bog asphodel, to name just a few. Spanning over 800,000 acres, the Pinelands forest has only about half of its land permanently preserved.

Today, our hike took place at the Franklin Parker Preserve, the New Jersey Conservation Foundation’s largest property, covering 16 square miles in the heart of the Pine Barrens. We followed the Sam Lambert Trail, formerly known simply as the Red Trail, which is marked by red blazes. The loop trail led us through beautiful pitch pine forests and cedar swamps, with sandy roads winding through the woods, past shallow lakes and tributaries of the West Branch of the Wading River.

Once home to an active cranberry and blueberry farm, the land was purchased by the New Jersey Conservation Foundation in 2003 and is now a protected nature preserve. Efforts are underway to restore the land to functioning wetlands, providing essential habitat for a diverse variety of plants and animals.

There was little to no elevation on this hike, and the terrain was easy walking, allowing us to enjoy the scenery and take in all its beauty.

Discovering this incredible gem in such a densely populated state was a delightful surprise. I look forward to exploring more of this unique and beautiful area.

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