What an incredible day in Angeles National Forest! I was hoping to get to see more snow before the winter was over, and today I got my wish! I woke up at 5 am and we headed up Angeles Crest Highway just after the sunrise. I didn’t want to leave too early not knowing what the driving conditions would be like. As we got higher up in elevation, we started to see the snow. The roads still had a very light covering, but the driving was fine and there was no ice. It was beautiful just driving along the highway. Our destination was Waterman Mountain. This trail is one of my favorites in the summer and seeing it for the first time in winter was a treat! The pine trees were heavy with snow and icicles. The forest was incredibly serene and peaceful. The only sounds we heard were the birds singing and the ice melting off the majestic pine trees. The air was fresh and the sky was crystal clear. It was a bluebird day for sure. Today was also the first time I’ve ever had the opportunity to photograph snow. When I lived in Pennsylvania, I hadn’t gotten into photography yet. Also, I was just so used to having snow in winter, that I really didn’t think much of it. Well that sure changes when you don’t get to see it anymore. I could not have asked for a more perfect day.
The Waterman Mountain trailhead looks a little different in the snow. :)
The Jeffery Pines were just beautiful.
My husband heading up the trail. The snow was fresh and powdery. Just perfect!
Everywhere you looked it was a postcard scene.
First time using the microspikes. They worked really well for this trail and its conditions today.
Winter wonderland.
My husband looking like a snowman. :)
So pretty.
One of my favorite photos from the day. It was so serene.
Snow covered pine.
Views of the surrounding mountains.
Big billowy clouds off in the distance.
It was a bluebird day for sure!
The forest was incredibly beautiful. Like a dream.
Hard to believe we were still in Southern California.
I could not have asked for a more perfect day.