This weekend my husband and I were supposed to be in Joshua Tree, but with the soaring temperatures, we opted to remain local. This morning we took a very short hike up Grizzly Flat Trailhead. It was 92 degrees by 9 am, but we managed to get in a quick trek up the slope and I snapped just a few photos along the way. There were swallowtails circling down and back up the summit, but they were too far away to get an image. I did manage to catch a Bernardino Blue, as there were many on the California Buckwheat and also what I believe is a female Lupine Blue who appeared to be ovipositing.
Bernardino Blue, Euphilotes bernardino
Lupine Blue, Plebejus lupini
Lupine Blue, Plebejus lupini
I love the colors of summer in fiery orange.
View from part way up the mountain.