I was curious about what would be flying at the closest “butterfly hot spot” to my home, so I took a quick trek up to Angeles National Forest and hopped on the trail. It was HOT (which I knew it would be), but continued on. The California Buckwheat is turning brown now and the landscape is looking as it should be for this time of year. I saw some activity, but not nearly as much as the last time I’d been here. I was happy when I came across a California Sister who fluttered around me then perched high up on a leaf to pose for some photos before flying away. I continued my trek just a little higher up the hillside, then stopped in some shade to listen to the quiet before turning around. On my way back down I spotted several Mormon Metalmarks nectaring on the Buckwheat. These guys sure are characters. They seem to pivot around in all directions as if they’re making sure you get their best angle. It was a short but sweet day for butterfly watching.