Today we headed up the ACH with our maps, but no solid commitment to a particular trail. I really just wanted to bird watch. We ended up stopping at Cloudburst Summit and hiking down into Cooper Canyon. This is a beautiful section of Angeles National Forest. We’d hike this last year on the PCT in the summer. This time there was a lot of snow. The weather was perfect. It was cool, but the sun was warming. We took a break at Cooper Canyon Trail camp and both of us dozed off lying on top of a log. We saw lots of ladybugs near the stream and there were a lot of butterflies on the trail which was surprising since there was still so much snow on the ground. I was able to get a few photos of the butterflies and I believe they were California Tortoiseshells. My bird sighting list for today included plenty of Mountain Chickadees, Dark-eyed Juncos, Common Ravens and a new one to add to my list, a Clark’s Nutcracker. It was a perfectly beautiful day.