Headed up Josephine Peak today. With storms predicted, I wanted to get in a quick hike before we’d be stuck at sea level for a couple of days. If we get the amount of snow they’re calling for, CalTrans will have their work cut out for them. This next storm is supposed to be bigger than the one we had on Thanksgiving. If that’s the case, the next time we’re up here we’ll be donning the snow gear (and believe me, I can’t wait!). It was a perfect day for this hike. The clouds were rolling past Strawberry Peak making for great photography. The sun was in and out for most of the afternoon. As we wrapped around to the north, it got much cooler and the wind picked up slightly. There were plenty of ravens to watch as they put on their aerial displays, diving and twisting in the sky. They are fascinating birds to watch, and I’ve become enamored with them through the years. We didn’t see one other person on this hike today. I guess everyone is out Christmas shopping. As we headed back, the sun began to lower on the horizon and the clouds started to roll in and wrap around the mountain. Glad we got one in before the weather hits tomorrow!