The colors are really starting to show in Pennsylvania. Today I went to Jacobsburg State Park and walked from Henrys Woods over to the the National Historic District Site to check out the Henry Homestead/PA Longrifle Museum. I also took some time today to check out the birding area across Belfast Road near Henrys Forge. I didn’t have my birding camera with me, but I was able to get some decent photos of a tufted titmouse, black capped chickadee and a nuthatch. The day was cloudy and a little on the warm side for October. Now is the best time to enjoy the fall color before the leaves fall. It’s a beautiful time of year here on the east coast.
Today I went back to Jacobsburg State Park. I think this is going to be my “go to” place whenever I don’t want to do a long hike or drive too far. The temperatures were supposed to be in the mid 90s today, and I wanted to be back home in the a/c before that happened. I parked in the parking area just before the bridge over Bushkill Creek on Jacobsburg Road. Since the bridge was closed I made my way on foot to enter the west side of the park at the locked gate heading south across State Park Road. From there, I turned west and followed along Sobers Run on the Red/Green blazed trail. It was still fairly early and it was a pleasant walk in the shade along the creek. I had no real plan to do any mileage today, so I took my time and enjoyed the scenery. I could hear the song of a Wood Thrush and also the locusts chattering high up in the trees. I took the connector trail (yellow/green blazed) to make a loop. I crossed back over Jacobsburg Road and began to follow the trail South. According to the map, the trail should have crossed over Bushkill Creek and taken me back to the parking area. Unfortunately, I think the trail has become overgrown or washed away because I didn’t see anything that resembled a trail on the other side of the creek. I backtracked and walked a short ways on State Park Road to the car. Once back at the parking area, I took a short side trip down to the creek on the Jacobsburg Trail, but even from this direction, I didn’t see a trail on the other side of the creek. Maybe one day when it’s a little cooler I’ll do a bit more exploring off trail to see what I find.
Today I headed back up to Jacobsburg State Park. It’s nearby and such a wonderful place to take in some nature. I parked in the main parking lot and took the Hazard Trail. I remember hiking this with my dog when I was a kid in the snow and ice. In the summer months, it’s really not much of a hazard. The trail is a single dirt track and it’s well maintained. There’s even a set of steps to take you up one of the steeper sections. The trail climbs easily above Bushkill Creek and there are nice views looking down to the water. At about a half mile I came upon a beautiful meadow filled with Yarrow and Common Milkweed. There were many birds here enjoying the first rays of sunshine. I could hear Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher and Gray Catbirds. I turned south and followed the path through the meadow which is part of the Homestead Trail. This trail skirts around the edge of the park on the southeast side. It was partly cloudy today making the walk around the open grassy areas very pleasant. The dewy grass and cool breeze felt so refreshing. In my journey I noted some wildflowers; Coneflower, Common Milkweed, Yarrow, Common St. John’s Wort, Red Clover, Crown Vetch, Wild Bergamont and a few others that I wasn’t able to identify. I closed the loop around the park by heading towards the Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center and exiting the trail there. I took a quick side trip across Belfast Road to visit the Henry’s Forge historic buildings before heading home. I’m really enjoying these relaxing morning hikes and taking the time to explore and learn the flora and fauna of the east coast.