
Delaware Water Gap, Orchard Trail, Hamilton Ridge, Pioneer Trail, Van Campens Glen, 8 Miles RT, 1,003 +/-, April 14, 2024

Delaware Water Gap, Orchard Trail, Hamilton Ridge, Pioneer Trail, Van Campens Glen, 8 Miles RT, 1,003 +/-, April 14, 2024

Another day hike in the Delaware Water Gap, New Jersey side. We hiked from Millbrook Village on the Orchard Trail which connects to Hamilton Ridge. From Hamilton Ridge we took the Pioneer Trail, then took a spur trail down to the river and back then onward to Old Mine Road where we crossed and hiked through Van Campens Glen. We walked the last few miles back on the road. Old Mine Road is going to be closed for most of the summer due to construction. It should be a nice time to visit the Glen as many people will not want to hike in or walk the road to get to the waterfalls.

At the start of the Orchard Trail I saw Bluets (Houstonia caerulea) blooming. The first spring ephemerals are starting to pop out from under the leaf debris. I also saw a firefly that somehow found my hand. It seems like it’s much too early for them. The day started partly cloudy with some sun, but as we hiked the clouds began to darken the sky. I came across some bright orange Juniper apple-rush, something I’d never seen before. I’ve been using the Seek app (by iNaturalist) on my phone to identify the plants I see along the trail. I love learning as much as I can. As we reached the spur to the river, it began to rain. On the riverbank I saw Yellow Trout Lily and Dutchman’s Breeches. We ate a snack and by the time we were finished the sun was back out. I was glad we didn’t have to cut the day short. We proceeded on to Van Campens Glen. As always the glen was beautiful full of cascades and green moss. We took off our packs and laid on the rocks above the waterfall listening to the wind and soaking in the sunshine. I used my birding app to identify a bird I’d never heard before. I recorded its song and BirdNet suggested what I was hearing was a Louisiana Water Thrush, a new one for my life list.

We hiked out of the glen and then headed back to Millbrook Village on Old Mine Road. Along the way we passed a garter snake basking in the sun. Seems we weren’t the only ones taking advantage of a warm sunny day.

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Nothstein Preserve, April 4, 2022

Nothstein Preserve, April 4, 2022

This is one of my favorite Nature Preserves in Paradise Township the Pocono Mountains. I’ve been here several times and keep coming back to see the changes throughout the seasons. There’s always something new to experience along this very short hike of about 3 miles. Today’s weather was cloudy and a little on the chilly side. The sun popped in and out of the clouds throughout the morning. It cast beautiful light across the moss covered rocks along the cascading Cranberry Creek. Soon the trails here will be covered with bright red-orange Red Efts (a second stage eastern newt). It was a lovely morning and a nice way to start the day.

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Nothstein Preserve, August 29, 2021

Nothstein Preserve, August 29, 2021

Some photos from an August walk around the Nothstein Preserve. I saw so many different types of mushrooms on this hike.

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Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Tumbling Waters, Ridgeline, Scenic Gorge, April 10, 2021

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Tumbling Waters, Ridgeline, Scenic Gorge, April 10, 2021

Today we went back to explore more of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. This time we planned to hike some trails that started at the Pocono Environmental Education Center Campus. The PEEC is a non-profit organization that offers environmental learning experiences in a national park. It looked like a really cool place. We started the day on the Tumbling Waters Trail which begins just across the road from the Main Education Building. We crossed a bridge and along the trail was a fun looking bird blind complete with exhibits inside. I should note that the really cool thing about this place is that the trails here are interpretive. Points of interest are marked with numbers and you can purchase a guided map outside the PEEC building, or download them onto your phone. An interesting exhibit at the beginning of the hike is a Trash Graveyard. It’s meant to demonstrate the amount of time it takes for common materials to decompose such as water bottles, plastic bags and cigarettes. It’s a fun way to educate people on the effects of littering. The trail then took us through a pine plantation and along the shores of Pickerel Pond where there was evidence of beavers. We walked over a boardwalk above more wetlands and then into a forest of conifers and mixed hardwoods. Eventually, the trail became a lovely single track just above a ravine with hemlocks towering above. A helpful set of steps are cut into switchbacks leading down the ravine to the waterfall. The purpose of the steps is to keep hikers on the trail. Cutting switchbacks can lead to erosion. It’s so important to respect the rules of our beautiful parks and wilderness areas. Unfortunately, I did see many use trails branching off near the waterfall, which gives evidence that some hikers do not respect these principles. As we made our descent down to the falls, there were many rhododendrons and large hemlock trees. We spent some time here exploring the area, taking pictures, and enjoying the “tumbling waters”. Next, we hiked back up and the trail skirted cliffside with expansive views of the Delaware River Valley. We then passed a stone fireplace which was once part of a cabin. It made me think about how difficult it must have been to haul all those stones up the steep slope to build it. We then hiked through more forests of mixed oaks, cedar and pine. Along the trail I saw wildflowers of periwinkle and rue anemone beginning to peak out from under the leaf debris. Soon we arrived back at the parking area where we then made our way onto the Ridgeline and Scenic Gorge Trails. These trails offered so much variety! We hiked through forests of tamarack, oak, hickory, hemlock and pine. We climbed up and down large sedimentary rocks where there was a handy rope installed to assist with the descent. We passed through wetlands and vernal pools while spring peepers sang their spring chorus. We crossed bridges over the cascading waters of Spackman’s creek and enjoyed the scenic gorge that was decorated with bright green moss and fern. There were also various types of shelf-like mushrooms to observe. As we reached the trailhead once again, I couldn’t believe how quickly time went by on these trails. I really enjoyed my time here and am so appreciative that there are gems like this to learn about and enjoy the magic of nature.

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Day Hike at the Van Buskirk Farm Preserve, March 27, 2021

Day Hike at the Van Buskirk Farm Preserve, March 27, 2021

Today our hike took place at the Van Buskirk Farm Preserve in the Pocono Mountains. We parked at the trailhead on the east side of Cranberry Creek and headed out onto the trail. Immediately, we were transported into an ethereal world of towering hemlocks, a roaring creek and huge boulders carpeted in thick green moss. It was beautiful here. And only a few steps away from the road. I wondered how many people drive by this place every day and don’t even notice the inconspicuous trail and the beauty that lies just beyond. We took time to explore the area and capture the morning sunlight that shone through the pines and sparkled on the clear waters of the creek. We crossed over a primitive wooden bridge to the other side where we found large trees taller than a building toppled over from a powerful windstorm. I can’t even imagine the force it must have taken to uproot them. Next we continued along the trail which paralleled the creek crossing over patches of mud, rocks and small streams flowing down from the mountain. The trail then turned west and made an ascent towards more downed trees that we had to to navigate around. As the trail leveled out we were treated to a path of soft pine needles that always feel so good on your feet after traversing rocky terrain. We passed through the middle of an old stone wall, left from days gone by. As we hiked along the wind whispered through the trees and gently moved cumulus clouds across the sky like soft puffs of white cotton. We made our way through more patches of mud and wet leaves before the trail became a pleasant mossy path passing through rows of young white pine. Soon we found ourselves at an open meadow and before us stood the ruins of an early 20th century farm. We observed some old farm equipment and the remnants of a stone structure. Below the ruins was an open field which I imagined may once have been an orchard abundant with fruit trees. After exploring the farm, we continued on our way. Next, the trail led us to an open area at the foot of a rock quarry surrounded by vernal pools. A chorus of wood frogs filled our ears. These pools must have been loaded with them. We made our way up to the top of the quarry where twisted pitch pines grew out from its rocky ledges. We took in the view and enjoyed the mountain breeze before heading back down to the trail. Soon we were back at the beginning of the loop that would take us back the way we came along the creek. By this time it was early afternoon and with the beautiful weather, we decided to sit aside the creek and enjoy a snack before heading back home.

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Sunrise on Mt. Wismer and an afternoon at Stony Run in the Delaware State Forest, Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2021

Sunrise on Mt. Wismer and an afternoon at Stony Run in the Delaware State Forest, Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2021

Today was the vernal equinox, a time when day and night are in equal balance. To honor the official beginning of spring, we set out for a sunrise hike to the top of Mt. Wismer in Monroe County. We parked at the trailhead just off the 447 to take the blue blazed trail. This is actually the easy route. There’s a more challenging hike from the trailhead off Gravel Road. Today we were interested in doing photography and catching the light of the sunrise. It was a crisp, cold morning and as the sun began to rise up over the mountain, we made our way down a wide open path which led to the blue blazed trail. The trail heading up had patches of hard snow and ice. As we hiked along the trail became a single track and I noticed large moss covered boulders above us dripping with melting ice. Spring surely is here. The trail was rocky and wet with leaves as it gently ascended through large rhododendrons and hemlock trees. We followed along the escarpment of the mountain, and as it curved to the east we were almost blinded by the blazing sun coming up over the horizon. At the top we were rewarded with wide open views. From here we could see Gravel Pond, Camelback Mountain and even more impressive, the obvious gap of the Delaware Water Gap. The light was absolutely brilliant. We meandered around the overlook enjoying the open landscape before heading north on an unmarked trail. We hiked along the path through hardwoods, and then found ourselves in a beautiful grove of hemlock. The sunshine shimmered through the towering trees, and I heard the call of a tufted titmouse. Soon we were at the close of the loop and back at the trailhead. It was still very early and neither of us were ready to head home, so we opted to take another hike. We decided to venture into the Delaware State Forest to Stony Run. We parked the car at an unmarked trailhead off Snow Hill Road and headed onto a wide grassy trail. The trail began to descend southward and became more rocky. As we hiked I spotted two white-tailed deer off in the distance who quickly disappeared into the woods. Soon the trees began to thicken with evergreens and I could hear the sound of fast moving water. A wooden bridge came into view and we were now at Stony Run. From the bridge I watched the run as it tumbled and danced over moss-covered rocks. We explored the area for a bit then found a comfy spot to settle in, have a snack and enjoy the scenery. After our little break, we started to make our way to the trailhead. We took a short off-trail adventure over to a large rock outcropping with some nice views. Three large black vultures sored high above us in the sky. By now the day had warmed up to about 55 degrees, but it was time to make our way back and head home. It was a beautiful way to kick off the first day of spring.

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